Future Education : Perspective 2030

Time is impending and the change is inevitable. Children entering school in 2019 will be young adults in 2030. So they will face the challenges which are unknown unseen unpredictable to us. But we have to prepare them for the unknown, unseen and unpredi
Time is impending and the change is inevitable. Children entering school in 2019 will be young adults in 2030. So they will face the challenges which are unknown unseen unpredictable to us. But we have to prepare them for the unknown, unseen and unpredi
KM Hasan Ripon :
There is an important message which was given by Khalifa Hazrat Ali thousand years back, “You cannot raise your children the way your parents raised you. Because your parents raised you for a world that no longer exist, Ali said.” It means the education system changes as per the time demand and we have to consider the change pattern of the time. With the pace of time, we experience different social, economic, environmental changes. The job market demands different skills, the technological up gradation also requires different skills set from us. We cannot expect to deal with this situation with the same emotional intelligence that we had previously. We need different mindset. The education need to be upgraded in the same pace so that it enhances them with the competencies, sense, values, attitudes of that time.
To be more specific, today’s kids will lead the future society.
They will lead the society which we haven’t seen yet.
They will deal with the problem that we haven’t known yet,
They will run the technology which are yet to come,
They will carry the values which are not yet in practice,
And they will face the challenges which are completely unknown to us. But we have to develop them for that time.
We have to research on Future Time, probable changes in technology, values, skills, and change in the job market, competencies and desired attitudes, actions and values that will require from a kids. So before we sketch the plan, we need little research on the change pattern. This concept note focused on those future sections:
Time is impending and the change is inevitable. Children entering school in 2019 will be young adults in 2030. So they will face the challenges which are unknown /unseen/ unpredictable to us. But we have to prepare them for the unknown, unseen and unpredictable future. To face the employment challenge, today’s children have to be skilled in few factors:
They must be habituated to ask/generate quality questions
They must understand complex communication
They must be emotionally and socially intelligent
They must innovate, know innovation rather follow the invention of others
They should know to solve problems based on their location and culture
They must have analytical ability, think more deep and solution focused
STEM Expert
Ability to Ask Question: Question helps to make our understanding clear. It helps to express oneself, reduce confusion and give clear thought on any particular question. Asking question is a good manner which kids learn during their childhood. As they grow they lost this habit for few family, social and behavioral factors. A supporting environment can help the kids to gain these attitudes.
Complex Communication: As the technology develops and enriching our life style, we can expect our kids will have a complex business and family environments. Their work patterns will be changed and focus will be extended. Previously we focused only on locally, but now we focus everything globally. So considering this fact, we can predict a complex communication system for our kids. We should prepare our kids for the complex communication situation. Be Innovator rather user: We need to prepare our kids so that they can innovate. Because it is already a demand of the time and gradually the expectation will go higher. Kids will invent solution/systems. In the fast competitive world, we cannot expect any kid who may not be innovator. This innovation should be in their thought and in their action. Without innovative mind it will be difficult to survive in future world. We should help kids to develop this innovative mind and action.
Kids should know to solve problems based on their location and culture: Every problem may not have a universal solution. Time, Place, Culture brings different solution for different problems. Our effort will be to teach the kids to become solution provider, not the problem identifier.
Kids must have analytical ability, think more deep and solution focused: It will be the prime focus of the time. Kids must have an analytical mind. They must have the power to see the unseen, understand the critical point, bring easy solution of critical problem. We cannot expect a kid to develop this virtue in a day. We have to nurture them. Play with their mind and brain so that they become habituated with certain situation. Our effort will be to nurture this quality.
Our Approach in Developing the Kids
STEM Expert: Expertise on any particular area may not be a good point for future time. Already peoples love multi-tasking ability. So our kids will be at a point to have different capability to prove them. We will nurture them to become STEM Expert.
We are now educating our kids for the unseen future. To ensure that they are prepared to take the challenges of future time, we have to take initiative now. We need to re-design/upgrade our education systems appropriately. We need to bring it in our agenda to find the right solution. The change method has to be started from institutional level. Then we have to move ahead to different level of institutions, government authority, stake holders, policy makers and all. Else it may be late for the kids to take the leadership of Future time.
(K M Hasan Ripon, Executive Director & Soft Skills Expert, Bangladesh Skill Development Institute)