Fury erupts at Merkel amid Munich shooting rampage

Sunday Express :
As the horrifying scenes from Germany’s third largest city sparked outrage across the world many in German pinned the blame directly on the country’s leading politician and her open door policy on migrants.
Mrs Merkel cut short a holiday in the Alps to return to the country but she has still not addressed the nation about this latest terrifying attack.
Her chief of staff Peter Altmaier told AFP 15 hours ago that she Chancellor was on her way to Berlin.
And he said she was being “constantly briefed” on developments in the southern city, but she has still not offered words of comfort to an on edge nation. She said: “We do share your pain, we suffer with you.”
 “The cabinet ministers concerned are on their way to Berlin,” he added but there has been no sign of an intention to communicate with the nation since Friday night.
Police revealed the gunman who killed nine people and injured at least 20 others at a Munich shopping mall is an 18-year-old German of Iranian descent Ali Sonboly.
Sonboly complained that he had been bullied for seven years before firing his handgun into children in a MacDonalds restaurant.
Police are probing claims which suggest Sonboly – whose father works as a taxi driver – lured some of his young victims to their deaths with a promise of a free burger