Full-fledged BNP Ctg City Unit yet to be approved

Chittagong Bureau :
The new committee of the Chittagong City Unit of BNP yet to be approved by the high command till midnight of Sunday.
 The leaders of the city committee handed over a new list of 285 leaders to Begum Zia at her Gulshan residence on Sunday midnight . The leaders of Ctg cITY BNP stayed with Begum Zia for about one hour who discussed the organistional and political situation of the port city , a reliable party sources said.
Meanwhile, the declared BNP Chittagong City committee leaders including Dr Shahadat Hossain and Abul Hashem Bakkar the new president and General secretary of BNP Chittagong City Committee is going to form 285 members full-fledged committee instead of 251 due to the pressure of the thana committee leaders.
Dr Shahadat Hossain, the new president of BNP Chittagong City Committee said, although there is a system of forming 151-member city committee, we are forming 285 members committee for including all dedicated and devoted leaders in the committee. Reliable sources said in first phase, a expanded committee with 251 members was finalized but finally it was expanded to 285 members which was submitted to Begum Zia on Sunday night at her Gulshan residence in Dhaka.
He said, “We have sent the names of the leaders of the full-fledged committee of Chittagong City BNP to the high command. “I hope that after the examining of the leaders career, the chief of BNP Begum Khaleda Zia may approve the committee.”
On the other hand, Dr Shahadat Hossain and Abul Hashem Bakkar the new president and General secretary of BNP Chittagong City Comm-ittee are staying in Dhaka for last several days in this regard. Sources said, Chittagong City committee of BNP was declared by the central committee on August 6 last year.
 Dr Shahadat Hossain, the incumbent general secretary of BNP Chittagong City Committee selected as president while Abu Sufian selected as Senior Vice-president and Abul Hashem Bakkar selected as General secretary. The names only three members of the committee were declared while the rest members will be declared later. But, the full-fledged committee is yet to be finalized and waiting for approval of the party chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia, sources added.