Generation threatened: Fuel supply to power plants cut

Staff Reporter :
Fuel supply to the power plants has fallen due to the non-stop blockade, which may hit electricity generation.
Most of the lorry owners and drivers are reluctant to ply on highways fearing petrol bombs attacks, while the Bangladesh Railway has not enough wagons to transport fuel, said Power Development Board (PDB).
Engineer Shahidul Islam, who works at private power plant in Bogra, said, they are running the power plants four hours daily instead of fixed 10 hours due to fuel crisis.
If situation continues few more days, stock of fuel of the power will be dried up and generation might be halted, he said.
Mohammad Nazmul Haque, President of the Petrol Pump and Tank Lorry Owners Association, told The New Nation lorry owners do not agree to transport oil.
The country’s lone oil importer and distributor, Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation (BPC), sells its oil to refuelling stations through the state owned Padma, Meghna and Jamuna oil companies.
“There is no crisis of fuel oil,” the BPC Chairman A M Badrudduja told the reporter yesterday. But the BPC chairman admitted that Kurigram and three other districts of northern areas had been remaining dry for the last four days due to absence of fuel supply from depots to filling stations.
He said: “About 90 percent of petroleum fuel is transported across the country by the waterways. Eight percent of fuel oil is transported by rail and two percent by road.”
“We have decided to take special measures along the roads. We will seek support from law enforcement
 agencies and the district administrations to transport fuel during the blockade,” Badrudduja said.
According to the BPC, 44 percent of petroleum products are consumed by the communications sector, 22.4 pc is used in power generation, 20.95 pc in agriculture, 4.43pc in industries and 8.15 pc in households and others.