Fuel prices to be lowered within week


Staff Reporter :
The prices of octane, petrol, diesel and kerosene will be lowered within seven to 10 days, said Nasrul Hamid, State Minister for Power, Energy and Mineral Resources.
He said, a circular will be issued in this regard shortly and the first phase’s price-cut of the fuel might be Tk10 per litre.
Nasrul Hamid said, following the price-cut of furnace oil recently, the government took the price reduction move as the prices of Octane, Petrol, Diesel and Kerosene have walking in the downward track in the international market for several years.
The minister announced it while talking to journalists in his Secretariat office on Wednesday.”The circular will address prices of octane, kerosene, petrol and diesel. We have already adjusted the price of furnace oil,” said Nasrul Hamid.
Replying to a question Nasrul said “I have already said it will be something around Tk 10. We have tried to bring it within that. We will adjust oil prices in two to three steps, but not for every kind of fuel oil.
He said, his ministry will work with other sectors for gas and electricity where prices need adjustment with oil.
He also said, refilling stations will be raided to stop adulteration of oil from Thursday. “Anyone found guilty will immediately lose his licence.
 “We will start this operation from Thursday. We already have reports. There are 1,200 pumps and we’ll gradually move to cancel the licences of pumps that are responsible for adulteration,” he said.
At present Octane is selling at Tk 99, petrol Tk 96 and diesel Tk 68 per litre after the adjustment with global prices in 2013.
On March 31, the price of furnace oil, mainly used at power plants, was cut by Tk 18 per litre, bringing it down to Tk 42 from Tk 60.
