Fu Wang Food Cup Golf Tournament begins in Rangpur


BSS, Rangpur :
The three-day “Fu Wang Food Cup Golf Tournament-2017” kicked off Friday morning on the Golf Ground of Rangpur Cantonment here in the city.
The Fu Wang Food Limited has been sponsoring the tournament being organised by Rangpur Golf Club (RGC), said a press release.
More than 100 contestants including males, females, junior and sub-junior golfers from different golf clubs of the country have been participating in the gents, ladies, junior and sub-junior groups of the tournament.
Rangpur Area Commander, General Officer Commanding (GOC) of 66 Infantry Division and President of RGC Major General Md Masud Razzaque inaugurated the tournament through taking TEE-OFF shot as the chief guest.
Managing Director of Fu Wang Food Limited Arif Ahmed Chowdhury with high officials of the company, military officials, RGC officials, participating golfers and local journalists were present, among others, in the inaugural ceremony.
