FS to visit India from Feb 23-25


Bangladesh Foreign Secretary Masud Bin Momen will be visiting India from February 23 to 25 at an invitation of his Indian counterpart Harsh Vardhan Shringla.
Shringla has extended the invitation to Momen during his two-day official visit to Bangladesh in December last year.
Foreign Secretary Momen will arrive in Chennai, the southern part of India on February 23 from Dhaka where he will formally inaugurate Bangladesh’s Deputy High Commission, a source familiar with the visit told BSS on Wednesday.
From Chennai, the foreign secretary will reach New Delhi the next day (February 24) where he will hold a bilateral meeting with his Indian counterpart Harsh Vardhan Shringla.
During the meeting, the two foreign secretaries are expected to discuss various bilateral and multilateral issues ranging from bilateral cooperation to security issues, according to the sources. Foreign Secretary Momen will leave New Delhi for Dhaka on February 25 after completing his three-day official visit to India.
When contacted a source of Bangladesh mission in New Delhi confirmed the visit of Bangladesh foreign secretary saying they are working on the visit.
“Yes, the visit is almost confirmed…we are working on it,” an official of the mission said. But, he declined to give details.
