Frustrated Itna youth takes poison to die

Staff Reporter, Kishoreganj :
A 25-years young man died after reportedly taking poison at Itna upazila in Kishoreganj on Wednesday evening over his frustrated life.
The deceased was identified as Afai Mia (25), son of Late Tufan Mia, a resident of Purbagram Nayahati village in Itna upazila.
Locals and Police said that consuming rat killing tablets, victim Afai Miah vomited at his home Wednesday noon. Victim’s relatives rushed to Itna Upazila Health Complex where the on-duty doctors referred him to Kishoreganj 250-bed General Hospital. Later, he died there while undergoing treatment.
Regarding the matter, Itna Police Station Officer-in-charge (OC) Murshed Zaman said the body was sent to the hospital morgue. A UD case was field in this connection.