From Chicken Biryani to Mahi Achari Tikka: Which recipe would like to try this weekend? Hyderabadi Chicken Biryani

1 tbsp – Salt
1 tsp – Saffron
Sautéed brown onions (as per requirement)
1 tbsp – Ginger garlic paste
1 tbsp – Red chilli paste
1 tbsp – Green chilli paste
1/2 tbsp – Cardamom powder
3-4 – Cinnamon sticks
1 tbsp – Cumin seeds
4 – Cloves
1 kg – Meat
A pinch of mace
Mint leaves (as needed)
2 tbsp – Lemon juice
250 g – Curd
4 tbsp – Clarified butter
750 g – Semi cooked rice
1/2 cup – Water
1/2 cup – Oil
1 – Egg
*Clean the meat well. Now take a pan and add meat, salt, ginger garlic paste, red chilli powder, green chilli paste, sauteed brown onions, cardamom powder, cinnamon, cumin seeds, cloves, mace, mint leaves and lemon juice.
*Mix all the ingredients well.
*Add semi cooked rice, curd, clarified butter, saffron, water and oil to the ingredient mix. Mix it well.
*Now, apply a sticky dough on the sides of the pan and cover with lid to seal it. Let it cook for about 25-30 minutes.
*Garnish it with half-fry omelet, or sliced carrots, cucumbers or any other ingredient according to taste. Serve hot.

Mahi Achari Tikka
500 g – Boneless fish
2 1/2 tbsp – Mustard oil
3 tsp – Onion paste
1 cup – Yogurt
2 tsp – Red chilli powder
1/2 tsp – Turmeric powder
Salt (as required)
3 tbsp – Minced garlic
2 tbsp – Garlic ginger paste
3-4 tbsp – Lemon juice
1 tbsp – Gram flour (besan)
*Washing the fish and leave it to dry. Once dried, cut it into equal cubes.
*In a large bowl, mix yogurt, lemon juice, red chili powder, garlic paste, and salt.
*Mix the rest of the ingredients – onion paste, garlic – in a different container. Add ghee to the fish and let it rest for 1-2 hours.
*Add the fish cubes to the mixture and leave them for marination.
*On a baking tray, place a silicon sheet and then fish over it. Keep the tray in the preheated oven and cook for 10-15 mins.
*Coat the fish with ghee and cook for another 5 minutes. n
