Friendly atmosphere to flourish latent talent of children stressed


Ensuring friendly atmosphere has become indispensable to give scopes of flourishing latent talents of children as it is crucial means of enlightening the future Bangladesh. Priority should be given on both physical and mental development of the children properly so that they can lead the nation competently. Social responsibility and political goodwill are very much important to this end. The observation came at a children development related dialogue at local centre of Bangladesh Shishu Academy (BSA) in Rajshahi City on Friday. National Children Taskforce (NCTF) organised the programme in association with BSA, Save the Children and Plan International. Chaired by NCTF district unit president Shariful Islam Shubho, the meeting was addressed, among others, by Deputy Commissioner SM Abdul Kader, Superintendent of Police Md Shahidullah, District Children Affairs Officer Monjur Kader and former children affairs officer Shukhen Mukharjee. Participating in the dialogue, some children groups focused on some alerting issues like early marriage, abusing in political violence, violence against children at family and social level and abusing though drugs etc. The discussants mentioned physical and mental development of children couldn’t be possible until they were protected from violence and deprivation since their early childhood.
Terming children as the future power, they unequivocally called for ensuring equal rights for development of their latent intelligence as they constitute a significant portion of the country’s total population. They viewed children especially coming from the disadvantaged and underprivileged families must be protected from all sorts of labour, violence, repression and oppression so that they could make themselves competent to serve the nation.
SM Abdul Kader attributed that the present government under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina had been working relentlessly to protect child rights. All the field level government and non-government organisations should supplement the government endeavor through contributing to this field.
