Preparation to hold council: Fresh blood to be injected in AL

Sagar Biswas :
The ruling party Awami League is likely to bring major change in the party’s central body with introducing some new faces in the next national council scheduled to be held on October 22 and 23, party insiders said.
At the same time, a number of women leaders also to be included in the central committee, which may be expanded from existing 73 to 81. Not only that, all the committees-from grassroots level to upazila and even district committees- would also be expanded in line with the policy.
“The AL central committee will be constituted with the participation of fresh blood and experienced persons. Both young and aged leaders will be kept there for the party’s wellbeing,” Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader said on Wednesday.
Expressing his view over the upcoming national council, Obaidul Quader, also AL’s Presidium Member, said: “Strategically we invite new idea. The AL has long tradition. Now, we’ll connect new technology with the tradition….. It’s a continuous process. New leadership will come in the next council with a view to gathering energy in the organization,” he said.
Sources close to the AL said, some top-ranking former leaders of Bangladesh Chhatra League and a number of skilled, popular grassroots level leaders could get room in the central committee. Besides, those who had sacrificed for the party during crucial moment after 2001 election may be included in the committee.
It is almost certain that there will be no voting to elect party President or General Secretary in the council like the previous councils. As the party President, there is no alternative of Sheikh Hasina, who is also incumbent President of the AL. She is likely to be the party President again.
Interestingly, none made any comment about the party’s second most important post of General Secretary though some senior leaders, particularly Obaidul Quader, are lobbying hard to get the position.
But the ‘well reputation’ of Syed Ashraful Islam could make him party’s General Secretary for the third consecutive time.
Several party leaders, however, requesting not to be named said that it’s totally under the jurisdiction of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. And the councillors may also ask her to nominate other important leaders for the central committee.
“The party committees will be expanded from grassroots to central level. Already this issue has been discussed in the party’s joint meeting on September 6. Most probably, the central committee may be consists of 81 members, which is now 73-member body,” AL Presidium Member Kazi Zafarullah said.
The last council of AL was held on December 29 in 2012. And it had re-elected Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina as President and Syed Ashraful Islam as General Secretary. The tenure of the committee expired on December 29, 2015. But, the party deferred its council for several times for various reasons.
Country’s oldest political party AL, since its birth in 1949, had chosen leaders through national council.