Fresh blasts at protesters rally in Bangkok: 28 hurt

Anti-government protesters gather during a rally in central Bangkok.
Anti-government protesters gather during a rally in central Bangkok.

CNN :At least 28 people were injured in two explosions at an opposition rally in the Thai capital of Bangkok on Sunday, authorities said.A local journalist is among the injured, said Paradon Patthanathabut, the national security chief. Since demonstrations against Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra’s government began in November, eight people have died and more than 450 have been wounded, according to authorities.In a bid to resolve the current crisis, Yingluck dissolved parliament last month and called for new elections to be held on February 2.But the move has done little to appease protesters. They have called on the Prime Minister to step down from her caretaker position and be replaced by an unelected “people’s council,” which would see through electoral and political changes. The opposition Democrat Party has said it will boycott the elections. Protest leaders have said they want to rid Thailand of the influence of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, the older brother of Yingluck.Thaksin was ousted in a military coup in 2006 and has spent most of the time since then in exile overseas. If he returns, he risks a two-year prison sentence on a corruption conviction, which he says was politically motivated. The recent protests in Bangkok were prompted by a botched attempt by Yingluck’s government to pass an amnesty bill that would have opened the door for her brother’s return.
