French Professor meets DU VC

Dhaka University Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr AAMS Arefin Siddique exchanges views with Dr Boubakar Diawara, Professor of Research Institute of Chemistry of the University of Pierre and Marie Curie at the DU VC Office on Sunday.
Dhaka University Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr AAMS Arefin Siddique exchanges views with Dr Boubakar Diawara, Professor of Research Institute of Chemistry of the University of Pierre and Marie Curie at the DU VC Office on Sunday.
Campus Report :
Dr Boubakar Diawara, Professor of Research Institute of Chemistry of the University of Pierre and Marie Curie, France called on Dhaka University (DU) Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr AAMS Arefin Siddique on Sunday at the latter’s office of the university. Dean of the Faculty of Science of DU Prof Dr Mohammed Abdul Aziz was present on this occasion.
 During the meeting they discussed regarding establishment of a new department titled “Department of Computational Chemistry” at Dhaka University. DU VC sought cooperation from French Professor to run this department. The delegate assured the VC of providing all possible supports in this regard. They also discussed the possibilities of introducing joint research programs on computation chemistry by the University of Dhaka and the University of Pierre and Marie Curie, France.