Freedom fighter Gulzer Hussain’s 2nd death anniv observed


Our Correspondent :

The 2nd death anniversary of Advocate Gulzer Hussain, an close political associate of father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and an organizer of the liberation war, was observed in Netrakona district town on Tuesday.  
His family sources said, Gulzer Hussain was appointed as secretary of BAKSAL, Netrakona unit by Bangabandhu in 1975. After the assassination of Bangabandhu, he raised strong resistance against the then military rulers who issued warrant of arrest against him. The military government led by then president general Ziaur Rahman also issued an order to shot him at sight. He was also the acting general secretary of Awami League Netrakona unit during the period between 1979 and 1983.
To mark his death anniversary, Quran Khawni and Milad Mahfil were held at his Joynagar road residence and Netrakona sader upazila Jam-e-mosque in the district town.
Special prayer was offered there seeking blessings of Almighty Allah for peace and salvation of the departed soul of Gulzer Hussain.
