Free, fair election impossible under partisan Govt: Shujan


Staff Reporter :
Shushashoner Jonno Nagorik (Shujan) firmly said, never it is possible to hold free, fair and credible election under a party government. It is a non-political government only that can be helpful.
They said it at a roundtable discussion titled ‘Amending the Representation of the People Order, 1972 and Fair Election’ Shujan organised it at the Jatiya Press Club on Sunday.
Shujan also criticised the Election Commission (EC) for sending a proposal hurriedly to the government with opinions to use the electronic voting machines (EVMs) in the upcoming national polls.
“The Election Commission is working like a rocket in this regard,” said M Hafizuddin Khan, the President of Shujan.
The Shujan President said many countries are yet to start the use of EVM in their elections, while many countries suspended the system after finding many disadvantages.
The commission has not yet shown the process of use it to the people yet, said Hafizuddin, also former Adviser to a caretaker government. He said, no fair election has ever been held under any political party’s government.
“In our history, a caretaker government only got the success.”
He said if the government wants a fair election, it is possible, but it does not have any intention to do so, adding the election must be held under a neutral government.
Former Cabinet Secretary Ali Imamam Majumder said, if government wants a fair election, it is possible. He cited Comilla’s February election and other city corporation elections. None questioned those. So, it’s true if govt. wants, free and fair election is possible.
The civil society platform also criticised the RPO amendment arguing use of the RPO as a ‘weapon’ against any individual or political party will hinder fair election.
Badiul Alam Majumder, Secretary of Shujan said, “Representation of the People Order (RPO) of 1972 is the most significant law during any election and it should not be misused.”
Different stakeholders, including the Election Commission, the government, administration and political parties, have certain roles to play in ensuring a fair and neutral election, while the RPO is the most important tool in this regard.
Various changes have been brought in the RPO in recent times and the move to incorporate it in the EVM use is the most significant one, he said adding, “The government’s extreme interest about EVM is questionable.”
The government should amend the law considering public welfare rather than using it as a weapon, he added.
Chief Coordinator of Ganasanghati Andolan Junaid Saki, Advocate Subrata Chowdhury, Barrister Jyotirmoy Barua, Prof CR Abrar of Dhaka University’s International Relations and Shujan member Syeda Rizwana Hasan also spoke on the occasion.
