Fourth Industrial Revolution refers to the emerging technologies

BSS, Rajshahi :
Academics and experts at a discussion here on Sunday unanimously said the Fourth Industrial Revolution refered to the emerging technologies blurring the traditional boundaries between the physical, digital and biological worlds.
They observed that the increased connectivity of people and things will furthermore impact the way people produce, trade and communicate.
Regional Office of Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institutions (BSTI) organized the discussion at Nanking Darbar Hall in the city to mark the 49th World Standard Day-2018. “International Standards and the Fourth Industrial Revolution” was the main theme for the day.
Additional Commissioner of Rajshahi division Jakir Hossain and President of Rajshahi Chamber of Commerce and Industries Md Muniruzzaman addressed the discussion as chief and special guests respectively with BSTI Director Taher Jamil in the chair. Director (Material) of BSTI Engineer Abdul Hannan presented a concept paper on the issue.
Disseminating his expertise on the issue, Prof Dr Mosharraf Hossain, head of department of industrial and production engineering in Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology, said standards provide benefits to different sectors of society in different ways.
For a manufacturer, standards rationalize the manufacturing process and eliminate or reduce wasteful material and labor. Also, it reduces inventories of both raw materials and finished products and the cost of production, he added.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution has begun, but standards are needed more significantly than any time before in order to seize its full potential for the betterment of society, Prof Hossain said.