Four killed in Jerusalem synagogue attack

BBC Online :
At least four Israelis have been killed and eight injured as two men armed with a pistol, knives and axes attacked a West Jerusalem synagogue, police say.
The attackers – Palestinians from East Jerusalem – were shot dead, police say.
There have been several deadly attacks and clashes in Jerusalem recently amid tension over a disputed holy site.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to respond “with a heavy hand” to the attack – the deadliest in Jerusalem in six years.
“This is a direct result of incitement led by Hamas and [Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, known as] Abu Mazen, incitement that the international community has been irresponsibly ignoring,” he said in a statement.
Hamas and Abbas’s Fatah party – both rival Palestinian factions – agreed to form a unity government earlier this year, in a move denounced at the time by Israel.