Admission test forgery: Four IU students suspended


IU Correspondent :The authority of Islamic University (IU) temporarily suspended four students on Sunday for their involvement in the admission test forgery.The inquiry team of the Academic Committee of IU found them guilty of violating Varsity rules in admission test held from November 15 to 19 and served them notice. The expelled students are Md Shariful Islam, 2nd year student, Department of Bangla, for one academic year, and Ripon Ali, a M. Sc student of Department of Mathematics, Sazzad Hossain Saju, final year student of Bangla, and Shahjahan Kobir Sohel, student of English Department.Beside a three-member committee had been formed headed by Dean of the Applied Science and Technology Faculty Professor Dr Kamal Uddin. Other members are the Chairman of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Professor Dr. Mizanur Rahman and Deputy Registrar of Education Division Nurul Islam. The committee has served another notice on them as to why they should not be suspended permanently.
