Founding anniv of BNP today

UNB, Dhaka :
Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) is going to celebrate its 37th founding anniversary on Tuesday with low-key programmes as the party apparently is passing through a troubling time in the wake of its
setbacks in two successive anti-government movements.
Some BNP founding leaders think the party has plunged into a deep crisis despite ‘having vast popularity’ and lost its attraction for the current weak leadership, lack of their farsightedness and repeated wrong decisions, while many others think the party is getting stronger facing odds and obstacles.
On September 1, 1978, late President Ziaur Rahman founded the party wooing leaders and activists from different parties with a 19-point programme to build a self-reliant Bangladesh.
In the 37 years’ journey of the party, BNP had been in power for four times and in opposition bench twice. But following the January-5, 2014 election boycott, the party is also out of parliament now.
BNP has been out of power for nine years since the 1/11 political change over. As per the party’s central office statistics, around BNP 15,000 leaders and activists are now in jail and hundreds of others are on the run facing political cases.
Though the party has long been trying to overhaul it, BNP could not make any visible progress in this regard. The tenures of most committees of the party and its associate bodies have expired. Though the party was scheduled to hold its national council it 2012, it could not do it yet.
Evaluating the party’s current condition, Barrister Abul Hasnat, who had been with BNP during its foundation, said, “BNP is now going thorough the toughest and worst time since its foundation.” He thinks the party now has turned very weak organizationally due to the government’s repressive acts, party leaders’ inaction, lack of farsightedness of the leadership and lack of competent and dedicated leadership.
Abul Hasnat, the first mayor of Dhaka and the chief whip of the third parliament, also thinks BNP has moved away from the ideals, thoughts and philosophy with which Ziaur Rahman established the party.
He also thinks the current leadership has succumbed to the political strategies of its opponents for lack of wisdom and competence. “Not only that the current leadership didn’t give due attention to the organisational activities.”
BNP standing committee member Jamiruddin Sircar, however, does not think that BNP has organisationally become fragile. “It’s not a right observation that BNP has become weak. It’s still the country’s number one and most popular party.”