Fortune finally smiles on Taslima

BSS, Dhaka :
Finally fortune smiled on Taslima Begum, a poor woman of village Udayadi of Araihazar upazila in Narayanganj district, due to her diligent efforts for overcoming persisting economic and social hazards.
Once it was very difficult for her to eke out two meals a day. But now she is very busy with managing as many as 80 workers completely occupied with sewing machines round the clock in her factory.
Taslima has established a medium scale garment factory at her village on the outskirts of the capital Dhaka, which produces 20,000 different types of garment items every week. The middle-aged woman can work with youthful energy like a young lady and has become a beacon of hope for others in her village.
Few years ago Taslima was not able to meet financial obligations. Torture and beating by husband was very usual, barring her from seeking any necessary thing from husband. With strong emotion and frustration Taslima was trying to get rid of the situation.
One day Taslima decided to learn sewing from BRAC. And one fine day she took admission into a training centre of BRAC. On completion of the training, she got confidence in doing something on her own. She borrowed Taka 5,000 from her sister to start her venture. She bought an old sewing machine with Taka 2,000 and a sheet of fabrics with the rest to make some English pants.
Seeing the devotion and sincerity of Taslima, her husband inspired her and extended his helping hands in doing this job. He also helped Taslima in selling the pants in local shops, despite her mother-in-law disagreed.
After successful delivery of the first order, Taslima proceeded with second consignment of making various types of English pants which also received good response from the market. As days were going on, Taslima’s initiative got a big boost, leading to expanding her business and number of sewing machines.
Giving necessary training she engaged more poor women of her village in the venture. Now sixty women are employed in sewing work in her factory while 20 others are working as helpers.
At the very beginning the venture was not so easy for Taslima as her mother-in-law stood against it and denied allowing her to go to market for selling the pants. But, her husband came forward to make his mother understand saying he would help Taslima to do the business for financial support and happiness of the family.
Later, her husband also started going to the market with Taslima for delivery of the orders. One day, a shopper advised Taslima to explore her business in the Gaochhiya Market, one of the biggest supermarkets in the capital.
Despite boggling with some confusion, she finally decided to visit Gaochhiya Market with her husband to expand her business. On the very first day, she received huge response from the retailers. Now she regularly supplies different types of garment items particularly of children’s to city’s three supermarkets where she also has storehouses for stockpiling her collections.
“I had to walk along a difficult path to come today’s position. Once upon a time, I could not arrange a single meal in a day. Everybody in family starved whole day without any work of my husband. Poverty deterred me giving food to my children’s mouth; their education was a far cry,” Taslima said.
“Those difficult days are over now,” Taslima said adding now she can arrange meals three times for her children and she is well-off enough to send them to school. She has constructed a good house for their living.
Taslima is very much grateful to BRAC, her sister and husband who helped changing her situation. She is also happy to arrange job for 80 rural poor women. “Alike me they had to suffer husbands’ torture. But now they are self-reliant as they have found sources of income and means to hold family steering,” she said.
