Former health minister Nasim undergoes surgery


Former health minister Mohammed Nasim has been taken to a surgery after suffering a stroke while being hospitalised from COVID-19.
The formers Minister’s surgery has been completed successfully, his son Tanvir Shakil Joy confirmed it on Friday.
He said, “My father’s operation completed successfully.”
He also said that the prime minister called the doctors and him to know about his latest condition.”
He asked to the countrymen to pray for his father’s speedy recovery.
The senior Awami League leader will be kept in intensive care during the next 48 hours.
Mohammad Nasim was tested positive of Covid-19 after being admitted to Bangladesh Specialised Hospital in Shyamoli with COVID-19 symptoms, including a fever and a cold, on Jun 1.
He was rushed into surgery on Friday after suffering a brain haemorrhage.
Mohammad Nasim, the son of M Mansur Ali, one of the four national leaders killed in jail on Nov 3, 1975, had also served as home minister for the Awami League government in 1996.
