Foreign wine worth Tk 50 lakh seized from foreign ship


Chittagong Bureau :
Chittagong Customs Intelligence team recovered foreign wine worth about Tk.50 lakh from a foreign ship anchored at outer berth of Chittagong Port on Sunday.
 The seized wine includes 696 bottles of scotish whisky and 1500 bottles of beers. The physical inventory of the seized wine was completed on Sunday.
Customs authority suspected that the crew of the ship are involved with carrying these contraband foreign liquor. Customs yet to lodge any case against the ship owner or local agent and crew.
Customs sources said , Vietnam flag vessel MV Thai Bin Pray was staying in outer berth of the Chittagong port with clinker cargo of Ruby Cement factory and acting on secret information customs team launched drive in the ship at about 1.30 am after midnight on Friday last. Customs sources said the approximate cost of these contraband wines is about Tk.50 lakh. Messrs Bencon Sea Trans Ltd is the local agent of the ship. Assistant commissioner of Customs sources said these foreign liquor were brought in Chittagong aimed at smuggling in this region. Sources said one engine boat was standing beside the ship aimed at loading this contraband items but sensing the presence of customs team, the boat quickly fled away from the spot. Sources further said it is the first ever big consignment of foreign liquor in Chittagong in last seven years as seized by customs intelligence team.
This type of anti-smagulling drive earlier was conducting by Coast Guard forces , sources added. While contacted senior manager of the local agent of the ship Motiur Rahman told that the Vietnamese vessel arrived at outer berth of Chittagong Port with 12500 m/tons of cement clinker for Ruby cement factory of Chittagong from a Malaysian port but we don’t know about the carrying of any contraband wine items in the vessel. A case under process in connection, sources said.
