Foreign trade at DSE surges by 137pc in September


BSS, Dhaka :
Foreign trading at Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) marked sharp rise in September with total turnover swelling by 137.22 percent compared to that of in August.
The DSE data released Wednesday showed the total turnover by foreign investors in September rose to Taka 752 crore 95 lakh 63 thousand and 167 from Taka 317 crore 40 lakh 55 thousand and 275 in August.
The net position of foreign trade after buying and selling stood at Taka 426 crore 25 lakh 17 thousand and 637 at the end of September, which was 322 percent up from Taka 12 crore 45 lakh 62 thousand and 104 of the previous month.
The foreign investors also bought more shares in September than their selling. They purchased shares worth Taka 589 crore 60 lakh 40 thousand and 402 last month when they sold shares of Taka 163 crore 35 lakh 22 thousand and 765 only.
In August, the turnover in buying was Taka 164 crore 93 lakh 8 thousand and 689 when the amount for selling shares was Taka 152 crore 47 lakh 46 thousand and 585.
According to stockbrokers, foreign investors purchased more shares last month when share prices of many companies fell to a position that was lucrative for investment. Banks, non-bank financial institutions, power and energy, pharmaceuticals, multinational companies, telecom and IT were among the major attraction of the foreign buyers.
