Foreign aid dependence gradually declining, minister tells JS

BSS, Sangsad Bhaban :
The country’s dependence on the foreign aid is gradually declining in last two decades since 1990, Food Minister Advocate Quamrul Islam told the Jatiya Sangsad on Monday.
“Though the country has been receiving foreign aid since the independence for the Annual Development Programme (ADP), the amount has decreased in last two decades since 1990, ” he said while replying to a query placed by treasury bench lawmaker M Abdul Matin (Moulvibazar-2).
In 1980-90, nearly 51 per cent funding of the ADP came from the foreign aid while it reduced to 44 per cent in 1991-2000, he said.
In 2001-2010, the dependence on the foreign aid declined to 37 per cent, said Quamrul, adding that it [foreign aid] has come down significantly to 34 per cent during the period between 2011 and 2016.
The foreign aid was used for infrastructure and socioeconomic development and poverty alleviation programmes under the ADP, he said, adding it has played an important role in achieving financial growth.
According to the indicators of credit, Bangladesh is not identified in any situation as a foreign aid dependent country as its annual accumulated credit is now below 2 per cent of the GDP.
Bangladesh avoids receiving hard and commercial loan so that the foreign aid does not create any pressure on the economy.
“Bangladesh, however, receives soft loan like Official Development Assistance (ODA) from different development agencies and countries,” he added.