Forced haircut: Accused teacher skips summon


Our Correspondent :
Rabindra University Associate Professor Farhana Yasmin Baten, who stands accused of forcibly cutting the hair of students, did not appear before the probe panel even after being summoned twice.
On Thursday, Laila Ferdous Himel, chairman of the Rabindra Studies Department and head of the five-member panel submitted its report to Registrar Md Sohrab Ali.
“A syndicate meeting, scheduled for Friday, is supposed to go through it and take a decision,” she told the media at that time.
However, Treasurer Abdul Latif could not be reached for a comment on Friday about whether the meeting had taken place.
A Cultural Heritage and Bangladesh Studies teacher, Farhana skipped summons by the investigating committee twice, media reports quoted Laila.
On September 26, Farhana allegedly cut the hair of 16 students. She was seen standing with a pair of scissors in front of an exam hall where first-year students sat for their final test. She then stopped students whose hair exceeded a certain length.
One of the victims tried to commit suicide by taking sleeping pills a day after the incident because of the humiliation. He was admitted to a hospital.
Following this, the students went on a hunger strike demanding the removal of Farhana, when CCTV footage of the incident went viral on social media.
Farhana also held two other positions-an assistant proctor and a member of the university board. She stepped down from all positions.
On September 30, Farhana was suspended following a syndicate meeting, barring her indefinitely from academic and administrative activities until further notice.
