Commentary: For more global action for Rohingyas more active Muslim leadership needed

Queen Rania of Jordan who visited Rohingya refugee camps on Monday decried the global inaction to stop the genocide as the Myanmar military is ‘unfolding it on the world stage to a largely indifferent audience’
This is a shame she said condemning the ‘shocking escalation of violence’ and called upon the international community to respond effectively, quickly and generously as the spate of violence is creating thousands of refugees daily taking shelter in Bangladesh refugee camps.
But it is highly regrettable that any leader of a big or rich Muslim country is yet to visit the Rohingya camps to suggest they are not taking the human tragedy seriously.
Myanmar is not a big country for the Muslim countries to take on although it is getting arms from Israel to kill Muslims. Muslim countries also can flood Rohingyas with arms. Myanmar must face war against war for ethnic cleansing of Muslims.
Before her Turkish President’s wife Emine Erdogan visited the refugee camps and sympathise with the miseries of Rohingyas.
Now came queen Rania of Jordan. She went round the refugee camps and fondly talked to children as they came closer to her and told their stories of escape from killing field. Women told how they were raped and their husbands and grown up children were shot and butchered.
As she sat on a rag in open sky and listened, the environment was soaked with heavy air with memories of their plight. Queen Rania had no word to console the homeless. Her human touch is appreciated by the people of Bangladesh.
She visited Bangladesh as a member of International Rescue Committee (IRC) and an advocate of UN humanitarian agencies. Earlier Turkish First Lady while visiting the refugee camps recently also made similar plea to the global community and the Muslim nations in particular to come forward and mobilize actions in the ground to save the Rohingya people being killed, their women raped and villages torched forcing them to leave their homeland.
This ethnic cleansing is taking place on the eyes of the entire world and Muslim countries are also witnessing it without much success so far to put a plan of action to decisively act to force Myanmar and its supporters to stop it.
Rich countries met in Geneva and made a pledge of $340 million in aid on Sunday for Rohingya refugees, which will be enough to feed them for six months up to February 2018. It is uncertain how Bangladesh will be able to give food and shelter to the more than one million refugees and their number is only rapidly rising.
So the only solution to the problem is to secure the return of the refugees to their home for which international pressure is needed on Myanmar government. But the support of some big powers including India, China and Russia has made Myanmar adamant and helping further aggravating the situation as the clearing operation of Myanmar military continues.
The US government has already started taking targeted sanctions against the Myanmar military to stop the massive violence. Forty-three US lawmakers urged the Trump administration earlier this week to reimpose US travel bans on Myanmar’s military leaders and prepare targeted sanctions against those responsible for the crackdown.
State Department said on Tuesday that it is assessing authorities of the relevant law to consider economic options available to target individuals associated with ‘atrocities’ in Myanmar.
Earlier the European Union (EU) has also imposed targeted sanctions against senior Myanmar military officials and stopped cooperation and sale of military hardware. The EU spokesperson in Brussels said they are waiting reactions before considering more sanctions.
Muslim countries must immediately call an OIC summit to figure out actions and start rolling it in the ground without further wasting time and stomaching insult of the barbaric Myanmar military. Muslims are targeted and discriminated and Muslim leaders have their responsibility to come to their rescue.
