For investigation agencies to be efficient stop remand practice


THE terrorists operating from inside the country stormed a mosque of the Ahmadiyya sect in Rajshahi’s Bagmara upazila despite the government’s investment in resources and intelligence to wipe out terrorists after sporadic attacks exhausted the nation. The law enforcement agencies armed with intelligence have failed in taking preemptive measures against the killings of bloggers and foreigners, bombing on Shia mosque, Ashura rally, or Navy mosques, attacks on police and army personnels.
The government is blaming opposition parties for grooming terrorism and narrating mythical success in defeating terrorism though the situation is completely different. Several Ministers have been claiming that all the terror activities are interlinked, but nothing has been unearthed about who are behind the uprising of terrorism, its socio-religious and global factors.
Government is depending too much on police for their own protection and fighting terrorism. It must be said that there is no closeness between the government and the general public. Blaming the police or intelligence is not changing anything.
The grand flaw at Mirpur terrorist hunt where two alleged JMB leaders slipped through police fingers raises questions about the capabilities of our law enforcers. In the 15-hour crackdown, law enforcers seized 16 improvised grenades, other ingredients for making over 200 bombs and grenades, a suicide vest, and 15 bullets but bomb experts escaped. After hanging the top JMB leaders during the previous regime, the JMB outfit has now gained greater strength to execute their activities more efficiently.
The extensive and intrusive police arrangements in the capital speaks a lot about the failure of the methods being followed. Only the life of the general public is seriously restricted. We said it before that violence cannot be stopped by democratic intolerance. The government’s failure to contain violence is awesome.
