For confidence army’s presence is necessary


CHIEF Election Commissioner Kazi Rakibuddin Ahmed said on Sunday that he would take steps on army deployment for election duty ‘according to the opinion given by the officials of Rapid Action Battalion, intelligence agencies, Detective Branch of Police, Army, Home Ministry and from other ministries’ at a meeting held with him yesterday in the city. What his comment made clear is that in political matters the CEC is rather looking solutions from the advice of security personnel who are overtly loyal to the government. We would like to emphasize that the CEC must listen to what the stakeholders from the weaker side in the election process say to make the election acceptable to all. We know the CEC was hesitating on making a decision on army deployment until his meeting with law enforcers and he held that meeting yesterday. But his deferring of the decision by ‘a day or two’, we hope, will not drop the demand at the end.In fact the CEC was under pressure to deploy the army to guard the city polls from various citizens groups and political parties, as they believe the presence of army can only make sure the holding of a free and fair election through this volatile political situation. Their demands appear quite justified in view of the fact that the government is organizing the city elections in a situation, which lacks an impartial environment conducive to holding elections. Most people believe the ruling party is using the election mechanism to establish its control over the two major cities while most opposition leaders and workers are in jail or on the run in the wake of a violent pro-democracy movement. Needless to say their fears have already proved true as most opposition backed mayoral and councillor candidates are failing to appear before the public and take part in campaigns fearing police arrest in false cases. Threats to life and such other intimidations are keeping them in constant fear and they believe if the situation continues they will not be able to field polling agents and other volunteers at the polling stations. At many places, the ruling party even has several contesting councillor candidates and the risk for widespread chaos and vandalism is really high in those areas. As the election is drawing closer, opposition backed candidates fear the ruling party goons may not even allow their voters to go to the polling stations if the army does not guard the polls. The CEC has to consider seriously about the need of public confidence in the current City Corporation elections. In view of this it is advisable that army should be deployed though it is a shame that the would-be people’s representatives cannot be trusted or to be helpful in holding the elections peacefully and honestly.  
