Foolproof way of writing the best answers in exams

Weekend Plus Desk :
1) How you can score good marks in exams!
With board exams just around the corner, students are buried in their books, frantically trying to memorise as much as they can, and parents are trying their best to provide them with all the resources needed to score well.
2) Battling the exam pressure
From last-minute revisions to getting the best pens for writing smoothly, ensuring an A on the report card is not an easy task. However, when it comes to the final showdown, a lot of students are not able to write their answers as well as they had prepared for the exams.
3) Learn to ace the exams!
While the reasons behind the same can range from the lack of confidence to poor writing skills, we are listing down 5 crucial points that parents must teach their children, which will help them to frame their answers in a better manner.

4) Stop with the lengthy answers
A common misconception amongst students is that if they decide to flood the sheets with everything they know, the examiner is going to give them extra marks. However, this approach more often than not proves to be counter-effective as there are chances that the examiner might get irritated and deduct a few marks for writing unnecessarily and wasting his/her time.
.5) Write important points first
This one is a no-brainer and yet a lot of students tend to make this mistake. Always remember that your examiner is checking hundreds of answer sheets, so the best way of grabbing his/her attention is by starting with the meatier chunk of the answer, without beating around the bush. Add all the extra and not-so-important points towards the end.
6) Pay attention to presentation
Even if your child does not have a good handwriting, explain to them the concept of proper spacing, margins and putting lines after every answer. These little things make a huge difference as a neat answer sheet is much more likely to earn you marks than a poorly scribbled and hardly legible one.


7) Use a single line to cross out your mistakes
Ditch the fluid and use one, neat stroke to cross your mistakes. It makes your paper look tidier and reduces the chances of getting blots of correcting fluid all over the sheet.

8) Use bullet points wherever you can
The best way to put across your points is to get the examiner notice them is by writing in bullet points. It makes your answers legible and comfortable to read.
