Foolproof security for Ekushey


In the wake of al-Qaeda chief’s reported threat, the government has taken massive security measurers to ensure smooth observance of Amar Ekushey and the International Mother Language Day.
“We’ve taken massive security measurers to observe Amar Ekushey and International Mother Language Day keeping in mind all kinds of apprehension and threat,” Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) Commissioner Benazir Ahmed told a press briefing at its media centre on Wednesday.
An audiovisual message, believed to be of al-Qaeda head Ayman al-Zawahari, called upon Bangladeshi Muslims to join jihad against the western countries. The unconfirmed message was published by the
Mentioning that they are aware of the audiovisual message of al-Qaeda, Benazir said, “We believe that the people of Bangladesh are liberal and peace-loving ones. The country’s people had resisted the evil efforts of spreading militancy in the past and they will do so in the future, too.
He said the Central Shaheed Minar will be brought under a very tight security scanner from Thursday evening with setting up 28 barricades at different points in and around the area.
Anwar Hossain, ADC of Ramna division, said special teams, swat teams and women teams of Detective Branch (DB) will be deployed in and around the Shaheed Minar.
Besides, steps have been taken to install bomb disposal units, sweeping teams, and 57 CCTV cameras as part of ensuring foolproof security, Anwar Hossain added.
