Food houses convicted with cash penalty

Chattogram Bureau :
A locally made sauce filled with plastic bottles of water , chilly & spice powder and oil. There is no label on those bottles mentioning the ingredients, expiry date or manufacturing date.
This type of sauce is served at a range of hotel restaurants, with different dishes like Shingara, Samucha, Egg Parata, chicken rolls. The matter came to the notice of the National Consumer Rights Protection Department’s market inspection operation. 40 liters of local unhygienic sauce was destroyed in the operation.
A semopr official of the department Mr. Bikash Chandra Das told that It is understood only by looking at the stored bottles that consumers are being fed in the name of sauce.
No details are written regarding the product on those bottles. However, sauce is on the list of products that are mandatory to pass the BSTI standard test. Consumers should think before eating such sauce.
Through the campaign, we can only discourage hotel owners and create consumer awareness.”