Talks on human trafficking: FMs of Malaysia, Thai, Indonesia sit today


Staff Reporter :
The Foreign Ministers of Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia meet today (Wednesday) to discuss issues relating to the human trafficking and smuggling.
“We will hold talks with Indonesia and Thailand to seek a solution to the crisis facing the three countries following appearance of thousands of Rohingya Muslims from Myanmar, and Bangladeshis who have been languishing in boats of death near our seashore,” Malaysian Foreign Minister Anifah Aman said.
He added that he would discuss with his Indonesian and Thai counterparts how to overcome the probable catastrophe about which the United Nations has warned unless the crisis was solved. Foreign Minister Anifah Aman will be representing Malaysia, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister General Tanasak Patimapragorn (ret.) will appear for Thailand and Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi for Indonesia.
In a statement, the foreign ministry said, Malaysia has remained committed to working closely with affected countries and members of the international community in resolving the issue in the region.
“Malaysia will continue to seek a solution to this issue through coordinated efforts among the countries of the region,” it said.
