Flyovers may cause huge loss eventually


THE New Nation on Sunday published constructive opinions of many BUET experts who believe that the seven flyovers and overpasses that have been built in the capital with the purpose of solving traffic congestions will do nothing in substantive in positive way in the long run. The experts also feel that these mega structures will fail to achieve their main objectives and eventually turn into burdens within years. While the rest of the world is limiting usage of flyovers or dismantling them altogether due to their ineffectiveness, Bangladesh is building the structures in an unplanned way which is not only narrowing the main roads but also wasting billions of tax-payers’ money. In the name of developing Bangladesh, the government is refusing to acknowledge the futility of constructing flyovers as they only aggravate bad traffic situations amid the increase in the volume of private and small and slow moving vehicles.
Experts opined that traffic gridlocks can be reduced by ensuring the better use of the existing roads, rail and water ways with proper management and plans without building flyovers and overpasses. So far it is apparent that the flyover projects are not benefitting the people but only filling the pockets of contractors, engineers and bureaucrats who are involved in the projects. Allegations of kickback are also not infrequent.
Their lack of planning and organization is feeding the traffic problem as they are not even doing their duties properly. A glaring example of mismanagement and inefficiency can be seen in the construction of the Moghbazar-Mouchak flyover. Started in 2013 (even though work was scheduled to begin in 2011), the project might not be completed by its December (2015) deadline as project officials admitted that only 55 per cent work of the flyover has been completed amidst pressure from the government. An expert said the delayed is caused by slow progress and it may take a few more years to be completed.
We suggest the government should work towards creating a realistic traffic demand management policy. The more increase in such huge and overhead structures will only aggravate the traffic problem(s). We also support the idea of using the mass transit system like Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) that we hope will help in alleviating the current traffic congestions. Conservative wisdom suggests that if the apprehensions of the experts (BUET Teachers) carry any grain of the salt, then these flyovers will be double burden. Firstly, it will cost the tax-payers in high amounts and secondly, with the unsolved problem of dead traffic jam, the economy will also suffer productivity loss for time lost on wheels.
All in all, the current unplanned flyover construction is making life difficult for all citizens and if the current trend continues it will only get worse. The government must focus on the people’s betterment instead of showing off their ideas of development even when they have been proven ineffective.
