POEMS: Flower

M Mizanur Rahman :
How innocent a flower is!
All of you must have got it in your notice.
Oh! My dear flower,
how much you’ve made me your lover?
That I do not know, I am so ignorant –
and I can hardly express your beauty
and enormous quality you posses but
I love you blindly.
My love for you is so much at my soul
that my mind ne’er plucks you nor plays foul.

Oh! When we praise each beautiful colored flower,
It’s ever hyperbole expressive love in divine power.
How beauty of mystery is that
God has created the flower immaculate!
Its color appears to be varied with its fragrance.
You feel the same essence near or a far distance.

Just imagine, the divine order is always discipline.
The solar system plays its role when it rays therein.
We also feel the work of water and air respectively
And the earth as foundation plays with the sky fully!
The rainclouds follow all in season or out of season!
The rainbow gives the color of almost all flowers on.
Oh man, see all around that created elements flower.
Ever you must feel all that’s done by unseen power.
All we are from the same root blossom and bloom
with varieties of natures’ forms and figures groom.
