#MeToo Movement: Flora Saini appreciates the way men are supporting the movement

In the wake of the #MeToo movement taking shape in India,’Stree’ actress Flora Saini recently came forward and accused her then boyfriend, producer Gaurang Doshi for sexually harassing her in 2007. The actress took it to social media to share about what happened and when Gaurang refused such allegations, Flora Saini sent him a legal notice. Recently the actress had an exclusive word with ETimes, wherein she spoke about what changes the #MeToo movement has brought.
Since a lot of women are coming forward and sharing their account, in fact taking legal action, the change is inevitable. However, Flora feels the change so far isn’t much visible. The actress said, “Right now the system hasn’t changed. Nevertheless, today, what is important is these women have stood up. This shaming is important. At the same time, people have started getting scared. A lot of biggies are having a tough time, which is required.”
She further added, “Before you touch a girl you have to think 100 times, she is not your property because you are giving her work. The moment should not die down is something I am praying for.”
Elaborating on her case, Flora Saini somewhere deep down thinks that Gaurang Doshi might not be apologizing, but what comforts her is that a lot of other men are coming and saying sorry to her. When the actress asked them their reason behind the apology, they replied, “as a gender, we failed women for too long”.
