Floods damage crops worth Tk 229 cr in Bogra, Gaibandha

Ferdousur Rahman, Bogra :
Floods have damaged crops worth around Tk 103 crore on 11, 107 hectares of land in Bogra district recently.
Mr. Chondi Dash Kundu, Deputy Director (DD), Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) in the district said that floods have damaged crops worth around Tk 105 crore in eight upazials of the district.
The DAE officials has assessed the loss due to flood to crops by the recent flood in 150 villages of 25 unions under eight upazilas of the district to be around Tk 103 crore.
Crops on 11, 107 hectares of land were damaged by back-to-back floods in Sonatola, Shariakandi, Dhunat, Sherpur, Gabtoli, Shajahanpur, Shibgonj and Adamdighi upazilas.
DAE sources said T-aman on 10,233 hectares out of 1,85,500 hectares, seedbeds of T-aman on 173 hectares, aus on 282 hectares, vegetables on 340 hectares, and lentil on 115 hectares were damaged in the upazila.
Aman paddy farmers cultivated 1,84,500 hectares of land in eight upazilas of the district while local Agriculture Department had fixed 1,85,500 hectares this year, said a source in Bogra DAE. Of them 11,107 hectors are damaged by the recent flood.
Md. Abdullah, 60, a farmer of Boyrakandi under Kutubpur union of Sariakandi upazila, said, “About 20 bighas of my Aman paddy field have been damaged by the recent flood and downpour. As there is no scope of replanting Aman paddy, I have to count a huge loss.” So, “I am ready to cultivate a new kind of local paddy, “Gainza,” in the damaged cropland, he added.
Abul Kashem, 40, a farmer of Roadaha village under Chandanbaisha union of the upazila, said, “I cultivated aman on 15 bighas of land before this flood. The whole paddy field has been damaged by floodwater. There is no scope of cultivating paddy again as the lands are still under water.”
The DAE officials said, “The farmers have been badly affected this season. To recover their loss, we are advising them to cultivate paddy saplings of Nabhi variety after the floodwater recedes. If the water takes longer to recede, we advise them to cultivate vegetables, mustard, pulse and ground nut.”
Contacted, Deputy Director (DD) of DAE, Bogra, Chandi Das Kundu, said they have sent a letter to the authorities concerned, asking for Tk 7 crore for the rehabilitation of the affected farmers of the district so that they can recover their losses.
BSS from Gaibandha adds: Standing crops worth Taka 126.37 crore have been damaged in the district due to second phase of flood during the current month.
According to Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) sources the district was hit by the flood for the second time causing damage to standing crops particularly T-Aman paddy, seed bed, summer vegetable and betel leaf orchard on a vast area.
As the crops land remained under flood water for few days last, the crops on 14,322 hectares of land were damaged in the district making the farmers more worried. The amount of losses of standing crops stood at Tk 126.37 crore, DAE office sources said.
Earlier, the standing crops on 38,686 hectares of land were also submerged due to the first time flood which affected the district last month, and the losses against the crops stood at TK 276 crore.
Deputy director of DAE AKM Ruhul Amin said the seedlings of late variety T-Aman paddy were being supplied to the flood affected marginal farmers of the district to transplant those on their land to recoup their losses caused by recent floods.
He also asked the field level agri officials to suggest the farmers to farm early variety of crops like mustard, potato, wheat, and vegetable on their land before going to Boro farming to earn economic benefit against the crops and the vegetable.