Five bodies recovered

Staff Reporter :
Police recovered at least five dead bodies from separate districts on Tuesday.
In Jamalpur, police recovered at least three bodies from separate areas of the districts on Tuesday.
Local sources said that an unidentified body, 25, was recovered from the pond of Jamalpur Zila School and an youth’s body named Ariful,20, was recovered from Hajibari village in Sarishabari .
According to OC Salemuzzaman, the unidentified man’s body was believed to be dumped into the pond after strangling him to death, while Ariful, son of Akhter Hossen, was an epileptic patient.
Meanwhile, a child died of a snake bite in Madarganj on Monday  
night. Rumana, aged 7, was the daughter of Russell Mia of the Sukhnagari area.
In Gopalganj, police recovered two bodies, including an octogenarian man, from a canal in Kotalipara upazila of Gopalganj on Tuesday morning.
The deceased were identified as Saheb Ali, 80, and Hafij Talukdar, 40, residents of Sitaikundo village in the upazila.
Locals spotted Saheb Ali’s body in a canal under Sitaikundo Bridge and informed police. He was a street beggar.
Meanwhile, Hafij Talukdar, an epilepsy patient, fell into Sitakunda canal from a boat while fishing and drowned. Locals rescued him, but he died later.
Being informed, the police recovered the bodies which were sent to Gopalganj Sadar Hospital morgue.
Being informed, the police recovered the bodies which were sent to Gopalganj Sadar Hospital morgue.
Kotalipara Police Station officer in-charge (OC) Sheikh Lutfor Rahman told the news to the media.