Fishing with current nets goes unabated in coastal belt


UNB, Khulna :
In flagrant defiance of the existing ban, fishing in the coastal waters of the Sundarbans by using current nets continues unhindered.
The Fisheries and Livestock Ministry has recently taken a decision to launch a crackdown to stop netting of fish with current nets, especially to protect shrimp fry.
Forest Department and Bangladesh Coast Guard launched a joint drive against fishing by the use of illegal current nets on January 4 that will continue till January 18.
Sources said several thousand people from Koyra, Dakope and Paikgachha upazilas of Khulna district, Shyamnagar and Ashashuni upazilas of Satkhira district and Mongla and Sarankhola upazilas of Bagerhat district are involved in catching fish by using current nets from the sea and different rivers and cannels in the Sundarbans and maintain livelihood by selling the catches.
Some seasonal fishermen setting up makeshift houses continue catching fish in the coastal waters this way causing much harm to the fish resources, in the name of collecting fry of lobster and other species of shrimp.
The coastal areas are home to several species of shrimp, including Bagda, Galda, Chaka, Harina, Chapda, Kanthalia, Baghatar Bhinua, Ghusa, Matka, Rasnai and Chatka, various types of fish, including Pangash, Tengra, Magur, Med, Bhetki, Datina, Kaun, Bhangon, Poa, China, Chela, Dhela, crabs and several species of zooplankton.
They are being affected for collecting shrimp fry which are usually netted by using fine nets.
According to the Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Paikgachha, average 119 fires of shrimp, 312 of zooplankton and 31 fish fries are damaged for collecting one Bagda fry in Koyra and Paikgachha while 46 fries of shrimp, 35 of zooplankton and 11 fish fries are damaged in the coastal areas of Bagerhat and Satkhira district.
Defying the ban imposed by the government, the fishermen are collecting fish fries from the Bay, rivers, cannels and the coastal areas of the Sundarbans using current nets, resulting in destruction of ecology and premature death of fishes.
Rabiul Alam, assistant professor of the Department of Forestry and Wood Technology of Khulna University, said due to lack of enforcement of the ban, existence of several species of fish is under threat.
GM Waheduzzaman, owner of a shrimp enclosure in Koyra, said the local shrimp farmers in the area collect the river-based shrimp fries from the local fishermen and release those into their enclosures.
Jahir Uddin Ahmed, divisional forest official, said the patrol teams of the Forest Department, conducted separate drives for checking the use of current nets and actions were taken against the violators.
State Minister for Fisheries and Livestock Narayan Chandra Chanda said the government has taken necessary steps to protect the fish species from disappearing.
