Fishing boats being made with smuggled timbers

Cox’s bazaar Correspondent :
A company is making engine-driven fishing boats with timbers collected from government forest beats for the last three months beside the Bankkhali River at Uttar Nuniarchhara of the district town.
They are doing the work without any valid document issued by the authority concerned. As a result, government is losing thousands of taka in this regard.
While visiting, it was found that Joynal Company, a boat maker, is constructing the fishing boat of 75 horsepower beside Nuniarchhara Parabon using Garjan timber. Some labourers, engaged in making the boat, said about three months are required to make a fishing boat, while 7-8 days are left to complete the boat which is under construction now.
The timber for making the boat was collected from PM Khali, Ali Kadam and Lama forests. In the last one year, three such boats were made.
The owner of the Joynal Company, which is making the boats, said he has permission to construct boat, but he denied producing any document.
Sadar Beat Officer of Cox’s Bazar South Forest Department Touhidur Rahman said, “I am a newcomer here. My staffs said the boat is one and a half or two years old. We are just repairing it.”
Sadar Range Officer Taposh Kumar Dey said, “The Department did not permit anyone to construct any new boat at Nuniarchhara area; even nobody applied for this. The higher authority directed us to deal with the matter.”
Assistant Forest Conservator of Cox’s Bazar South Forest Department Dewan Md Abdul Hai Azad expressed his ignorance in this regard. If any complaint is found, he would take steps, he added.