First impression

Life Desk :
It is human instinct to make an appraisal of a person or a situation at one glance. The reason cited for this is that the brain takes first-impression snapshots, making an amalgam of all the signals emanating from a new experience.Several studies have shown that it takes only about three seconds to evaluate a person we see for the first time. Visual appearance and behavior including demeanor, voice, mannerisms and body language-even accessories like watch, handbag or briefcase play a role in forming first impressions.
Predicted outcome value theory
A survey among164 college freshermen by two US professors Michael Sunnafrank and Artemio Ramirez Jr. at periodic intervals found that first impressions have a profound influence on determining the future course of a relationship. Researchers call this “predicted outcome value theory.”
People make snap judgments within the first few minutes about the kind of relationship they want with another person they just met. This will in turn determine the effort they are willing to put into developing a friendship with the person.
Sure starters
Several studies in social psychology reveal that warmth, competence and physical attractiveness are the characteristics that impress people from start, across a range of business and social relationships.
A recent study that investigated the progress of relationships involving 89 undergraduates from the University of New Orleans showed that personality rather than physical attractiveness was the key factor in determining potential relationships. Psychologists who believe in the accuracy of snap judgments agree that “a good judge of personality isn’t someone who is just smarter-it’s someone who gets out and spends time with people,” to quote Dr.David Funder a professor of psychology at the University of California.
Hard-wired preference for looks?
There are many who lament that society gives more credit to a person’s outward looks than inner qualities. .
Till date no study has been able to establish a link between looks and intelligence, happiness or mental health. Yet, all of us know how important it is to make a first impression the best impression, while entering a new class at school or college, looking for a new job, going for a first date, or meeting future in-laws.
Now that several studies have established the validity of appraisals in business and social circles based on the first encounter, there is a huge market thriving on claims to help people make the best possible first impression.
Seductive lips and scent of Eros
Beginning from simple facials to Botox and other repair jobs, there is a whole array of image-boosting possibilities to electrify that first meeting. In keeping with the times and seeing the pace at which a relationship progresses-think blind dates and speed dating-the market has something constantly coming up for those who want something more than just their body, mind and soul to do the talking. There is a three-part lip care system named “first impression” to increase collagen and hyaluronic acid without injections for fuller, sexier, more sensual and kissable lips just as there is a booming market for the ‘scent of Eros’ claiming to trigger pheromones-the sex scent that can excite and arouse the opposite sex, according to recent research.