Fire in Ctg garment factory brought under control: Fire Service

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UNB, Chattogram :

A fire broke out at a garment factory in Chattogram’s Bandar area on Friday, said firefighters who took about two hours to tame the blaze.

No casualties were immediately reported from the fire that broke out at Saj Fashion located on the fifth floor of Hossain Complex at around 12:30 pm.

Eight units of fire service from Agrabad, Bandar EPZ and other stations of the city rushed to the site and controlled the blaze from outside.

Liton Das, deputy assistant director of the fire service said, after trying for about two hours, the fire was somewhat brought under control.

He said details about any possible casualty or damage would be known after firemen reach the fifth flood of the building where the fire originated.


The fire was controlled from outside and it was not known if anyone got trapped inside, he said.

He couldn’t ascertain the source of fire.

Though it was a public holiday on Friday, the garment factory was running with workers inside, locals claimed.

Also, the flood houses offices of banks and business establishments, according to people living in the neighbourhood.

The owners of the factory were not immediately available for comments.
