Fire at coin volt room of Barishal BB branch


Barishal Correspondent :
Fire incident in coin volt room of Bangladesh Bank(BB) Barishal regional branch on Monday morning created chaos in daily routine work for more than two hours.
Four units with 45 fire fighters from Barishal station of fire service and civil defense rushed to the spot at 10:12 AM Monday and controlled the flame within 10 minutes, said Faruqe Hossain Shikder, deputy assistant director of fire service and civil defense, Barishal station .
A 3-member investigation team headed by assistant director has been formed, the DAD confirmed.
It may spread severely if security guards of Bangladesh Bank after noticing the smoke and flame would not be succeeded timely to control the flame, Debashish Biswas, warehouse inspector of fire service Barishal station added.
Primarily assumed that fire may be instigated from electric short circuit. It gutted two electric wall-fans and electric wearing, table, chair and file cabinet of the volt, said Arifur Rahman one of fire fighters on duty at that place.
Hearing the incident Barishal Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner of the district visited the spot on Monday noon.
A seven member investigation team headed by General Manager (GM) Swapan Kumar Das has been formed.
After receiving their investigation report we could say causes and damages of fire and if any negligence was liable for that, said Manoj Kanti Boiragi, executive director, Bangladesh Bank, Barishal branch.
Only a register gutted and other valuable documents or items were not damaged by fire, he claimed.
According to the Bangladesh Bank officials and employees, the smoke and flame of fire noticed from the a locked coin-volt room on the first floor at about 10:00 AM.
Security guards using fire extinguisher speedily controlled it till the fire fighters of fire service rushed to the spot extinguished that fully, they added.
