Finland praises govt for support to Rohingyas

UNB, Dhaka :
Ahead of her visit to Cox’s Bazar district, Ambassador of Finland to Bangladesh and India Nina Vaskunlahti has appreciated the government of Bangladesh for its support to the Rohingyas living in the country.
“I wish to commend the government of Bangladesh for its valuable work for the Rohingya people,” said Ambassador Vaskunlahti. Vaskunlahti, Ambassador of Finland to Myanmar Riika Laatu, Honorary Consul General of Finland in Bangladesh and Chairman Summit Group Muhammed Aziz Khan and team leader of RCRC (Red Cross Red Crescent) Emergency Hospital Raija Andersen will be visiting Field Hospital- Bangladesh Red Crescent Society in Cox’s Bazar on Saturday noon. “A key destination for the visit is the Red Cross field hospital managed by the Finnish Red Cross in Cox’s Bazar,” said Ambassador Vaskunlahti.
In addition to familiarising themselves with the operations of the field clinic, they will discuss with the representatives of international organisations, representatives of the Rohingya people and authorities on-site to gain firsthand knowledge of the current situation at the camps, she said in a statement.