Find out Army leadership having Lib War spirit: PM

UNB, Dhaka :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Sunday asked Army senior officials to find out capable and qualified leadership for the force having the Liberation War spirit and patriotism.
“Staying above everything and through your analyses with your neutral judgement, you’ll have to find out qualified leadership having patriotism and the belief in the great Liberation War,” she said.
The Prime Minister said this while inaugurating the five-day ‘Army Headquarters Selection Board 2017’ held at the Army Headquarters Conference Hall of Dhaka Cantonment.
To establish and consolidate democracy in a country, Sheikh Hasina said, a disciplined and strong army play a very supplementary role.
“Leadership has to be placed on those qualified officers who are well-educated, workable, intelligent, and above all strongly determined to consolidate the democracy,” she said.
The Prime Minister said loyalty to leadership, professional efficiency,field-level success, discipline, honesty, trustworthiness and credibility are also important for promotion.
She expressed satisfaction over the introduction of modern TRACE (Tabulated Record and Comparative Evaluation) method for the promotion to Army officials.
Hasina expressed her full confidence over the wisdom, justification and righteousness of senior army officials, and hoped that they could be successful in selecting competent leadership based on principles.
She asked the selection board to take into consideration the leadership quality, professional competence, field-level success, discipline, honesty and obedience of the officers for promotion.
The Prime Minister said the Army’s role is indispensable in maintaining peace and stability as well as combating militancy in the country.
She mentioned that the anti-militancy drive at Holey Artisan Bakery at Gulshan, Dhaka and Atia Mohal in Sylhet.
Hasina said, the government has undertaken various steps for the development, expansion, and welfare of the Army.
Science and technology universities have been established in different cantonments. Apart from making the Dhaka Combined Military Hospital an international standard one, the government also set up medical colleges at different cantonments, a University of Science and Technology and Army School of Business and Administration, she added.
Sheikh Hasina said the Awami League government carried forward the development and expansion programmes taken by Bangabandhu after coming to power for the second term in 2009 and it is still going on.
Alongside that, she said, steps have been taken for the welfare of the members of the army and their families.
The Prime Minister said a process is underway to construct five dental colleges and five nursing institutes for the Bangladesh Army.
The work for the construction of the country’s lone burn unit and plastic surgery hospital has been given to Bangladesh Army. It will be one of the best hospitals in South Asia, she said.
Hasina said, the salary structure of the members of the armed forces has been reaffixed keeping consistency with that of the civil administration. The works on the ‘Jalsiri’ housing project for them is going on in quick pace, she said adding that the project will help strengthen mental strength of the officers.
Sheikh Hasina said, her government is striving for a balanced development of every region of the country and ensure public services for every people at the grassroots level. She said the country is moving forward with more than 7 percent economic growth which was 7.24 percent last year.
At the same time, an inflation rate came down to nearly five percent during the tenure of the present government which was double digit in 2006. People are enjoying the benefits of the economic growth which resulted in increasing the life expectancy of the people to 72 years,she said.
PM’s security adviser Major General (retd) Major General (rtd) Tarique Ahmed Siddique, Army chief General Abu Belal Muhammad Shafiul Huq, PM’s principal secretary Dr Kamal Abdul Naser Chowdhury, Defence Secretary Akhter Hussain Bhuiya and PM’s Press Secretary Ihsanul Karim were present.