Finally Big B breaks his silence on Panama Papers controversy


Amitabh Bachchan has responded to the allegations that he has used his star power to evade tax, saying that he is a ‘law abiding citizen.’
On Friday, a news report shared the 73-year-old actor’s “brush with the Income Tax Department right from 2009 and how his loans were paid off using offshore entities.”
In reaction to this, Amitabh Bachchan released an official statement:
“I wish to state that the article carried in the DNA dated April 8, 2016 with regards to me, is a matter that has been under investigation for the past 6-7 years by the Income Tax and Enforcement Departments. I have diligently responded to all the queries and notices sent by them. I am, a law-abiding citizen of the country. I wish to reiterate, that on the Panama Papers reportage in the Indian Express, I have not been a director on the Board of the 4 Companies as mentioned in an earlier report.”
