Final selection of ‘Airtel Rising Stars’ kicks off at BKSP


Airtel Bangladesh Limited, one of the fastest growing mobile service providers of the country announced the beginning of the final selection round of ‘Airtel Rising Stars’on Thursday at BKSP. The selected 120 players from the second round of ‘Airtel Rising Stars’ will begin their training under local coaches on the same day.
On 23rd February four coaches from the globally renowned football club, Manchester United, will arrive in BKSP for the final selection of ‘Airtel Rising Stars’. The four coaches will train and select the final 12 Airtel Rising Stars from the selected 120 from the second round of football talent hunt programme. The final selection of 12 ‘Airtel Rising Stars’ will take place on the 24th February BKSP.
The second season of Airtel Rising Stars took place in 19 hubs across the country. 120 players were selected from Mymensingh Hub, Comilla Hub, Bogra Hub, Madaripur Hub, Jessore Hub, Chittagong Hub, Chuadanga Hub, Dinajpur Hub, Manikganj Hub, Cox’s Bazaar Hub, Sylhet Hub, Faridpur Hub, Khulna Hub, Barisal Hub, Rangpur Hub, Feni Hub, Dhaka Hub, Rajshahi Hub and Hobiganj Hub.
‘Airtel Rising Stars’ is a rigorous scouting program which is being held in 2 rounds conducted over a span of 5 months, at the end of which, top 12 players (under 16 years of age) will be selected. In the Airtel Cup, players from all hubs from across the country competed with each other in different teams where top 120 players were chosen. The 120 players selected from 19 Hubs will be taken through a four-day grooming session at BKSP. Launched in association with Manchester United (one of the best soccer clubs in the world), the top 12 players out of 120 players will be selected to travel to Manchester United for a training programme at Old Trafford in United Kingdom.
