Film plays vital role in exploring intellect, conscience: Hasan


Information Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud on Saturday said films could play a vital role in exploring the intellect and conscience side by side with building the state, the nation and the society.
“Film speaks for the life of people and it works as a mirror of society and its people… I want to urge the filmmakers including the youths and children to make films for arousing patriotism, aptitude, love and affection,” he said, speaking at a function at the auditorium of the Public Library here.
The minister was addressing the 12th International Children Film Festival titled ‘Future in Frames’, organized by the Children’s Film Society (CFS) Bangladesh with its President eminent educationalist Professor Dr Zafar Iqbal in the chair.
Eminent educationalist and National Professor Dr Anisuzzaman inaugurated the festival while filmmakers Morshedul Islam, Salauddin Zaki and Md Abir Ferdows and CFS General Secretary Munira Morshed Munni, among others, addressed the inaugural function.
Hasan, also the publicity and publication secretary of the ruling Awami League, said, “We should build a developed nation besides developing the country. There are many countries in the world which are developed states. But many of them are not developed nations as they lack many things. So, we want a developed nation. We need to stay away from being self-centered.”
He laid stress on dreaming the children of great so that they become worthy citizens of the country. The minister hoped that the filmmakers would make films to teach lessons along with entertainment.
Hasan also urged the guardians to give books to their children instead of smart phones, as a book could play a vital role in building a developed society.
Dr Anisuzzaman said film is a strong media and it has a power to do both good and bad. The film focuses on the life of people, he added.
