Film actress Nasrin hospitalized

Entertainment Report :
Film actress Nasrin is seriously ill now. She has been admitted to Monowara Hospital in the capital’s Bailey Road area due to stomach tumour. She is under Dr Shamsad Jahan Shanta of the hospital. Dr Shanta said that Nasrin’s tumour will be removed by surgery within two days.
While talking about her sickness Nasreen said, “My condition is critical right now. Surgery has to be done within 2-1 days. A lot of blood is needed for me as I have also anaemia. Already several bags of blood have been given. More blood is needed. Pray for me, so that I get well soon.”
Though Nasrin made her film debut as an ‘extra artiste,’ she became widely known after acting with popular comedian-actor Dildar. Then she established herself in the media acting in a variety of characters. She is mother of two children.