Filings show Ivanka Trump, husband Jared benefitting from business empire

AFP, Washington :
Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner have held onto real estate and business investments valued in the hundreds of millions while working government jobs, according to ethics filings released late Friday by the White House.
The disclosures came in a mass document release showing the wealth and financial assets of scores of senior White House staff members at the time they began government work.
Ivanka Trump’s stake in the Trump International Hotel, located blocks from the White House, is one source of income that could represent a conflict of interest.
Critics have noted that interest groups or foreign governments could stay at the luxury hotel to get in the administration’s good graces.
The White House documents show that Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, who are both officially close advisers to the president, are still getting income from holdings valued at between $240 million and $740 million.
Ivanka Trump-who just days ago announced she would officially enter a federal role as an unpaid adviser to the US president-will hang on to her stake in the Trump International Hotel.
According to her husband’s disclosure the hotel stake is worth between $5 million and $25 million. Between January 2016 and March 2017 she made between $1 million and $5 million in rent or royalties from the hotel, the documents showed.
Kushner was recently tapped by his Republican father-in-law to lead a new White House office that aims to use business ideas to help streamline the government, according to the Washington Post.