Fighting between Royal tiger, buffalo in Sundarbans


Bagerhat Correspondent :
Fighting between a tiger and a buffalo is a popular proverb. Such a battle was really taken place between a Royal Bengal tiger and a domestic buffalo in Sundarbans within Dasher-Bharani Patrol Outpost under Sharankhola Forest Range in the Eastern Division of Sundarbans in Bagerhat on Tuesday, according to a delayed report received here. In the fighting what happened to the fate of the Royal Bengal tiger could not be known, but the buffalo was seriously injured and in order to make up the loss the owner of it slaughtered it (buffalo) and sold its flesh at the rate of Tk.500 per kg, it was confirmed by the concerned office of the forest patrol outpost.
It is learnt from the locals, the owner of the buffalo is one Sobhan Hawladar of village Rasulpur under Sharankhola Upazila.
He told, the human habitations were separated from Sundarbans by the mighty river Bhola. But due to the silting up the river lost its both navigability and depth at many places and consequently, it is now called dead Bhola. So, at day times many buffaloes and cows every day cross the river and enter into Sundarbans for grassing there and just before the sun set they return to their masters’ residences. It is a regular feature. He added, on the day all his cattle heads returned before the sun set excepting the buffalo. Then he went to Sundarbans and found his buffalo seriously injured. He also noticed signs of biting of teeth and nailing of the claws of the tiger on its back. So he guessed, the buffalo was attacked by a tiger from its back and fortunately it could save itself from the hands the tiger after fighting with the same. Then he brought the buffalo form the forest. But it is the irony of fate that though the ill-fated buffalo became able to save its life from the claws of the tiger it failed save its life from it’s master’s knife. Because, its master slaughtered it and sold its flesh at Tk.500 per kg in order to make up his loss.
